Cook County Circuit Court, District 2 Courthouse, Skokie, IL
If you have been sentenced for a crime and violate the terms of that sentence such as by getting arrested on a new charge, you may find yourself with two new court cases: one for the new offense and one for the violation. The court can resentence you on the original crime to a much stiffer penalty. You may also be resentenced if you fail to complete the terms of your original sentence such as failing to do your community service or pay your fine.
If you are charged with a violation, it is important to consult an attorney BEFORE your new court date. Should a problem arise, contact me immediately. An experienced attorney can help you with the delicate balancing act between the violated case and the new case. Sometimes, an attorney will attempt to delay completing the violation case until the new charges can be resolved. If the attorney can get the new charges dismissed, you might receive a substantially reduced penalty in the prior case or the prior case might even be dropped. Even if the evidence on the new case is overwhelming, an experienced attorney can help obtain a better deal for you in both cases.
See our related post: Violating Probation in Illinois