
I am accused of shoplifting. What can I do?

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: |

When you are first brought in before security, you are best advised to request an attorney and not answer questions. Any attempts to explain yourself may be used against you and might undermine any defense you might later wish to present. Once at court, an experienced attorney can help you weigh your options. Maybe you were extremely stressed and really did forget you had the DVDs in your cart. Maybe the evidence against you is weak. An attorney can help determine whether you should take the case to trial. But what if you really meant to take the DVDs?[...]

Do I need a DUI defense attorney?

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: |

The crime of DUI involves both the criminal court and the Illinois Secretary of State. The entire process can be confusing and difficult. If you are charged with DUI, the Secretary of State automatically suspends your driver’s license for a period of time. Retaining a dedicated attorney early may help overturn that suspension. In addition, an attorney can evaluate whether the state has the evidence required to find you guilty. On some occasions, even DUI offenders over the legal limit can win a dismissal.

Do I need a criminal defense attorney?

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: |

If the possibility exists that you could lose your license, serve a term in jail, or pay substantial fines, you should consult an experienced criminal law attorney. An attorney can evaluate your case to help you present the best possible defense. Even if you have not yet been charged with a crime, you should consult an attorney immediately. At times, an experienced attorney can help you avoid criminal charges entirely. If you are charged and the evidence against you is overwhelming, an attorney who is respected at the courthouse can often obtain a better plea agreement than you could on[...]

Can I be charged with sexting? What can I do?

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: |

In Illinois, you may have committed a Class 1 felony if you 1) filmed, videotaped or photographed any one that you should have known was under the age of 18 in lewd exhibitions of nudity or 2) knowing the contents of those pictures, you distributed them, i.e., via texting or the transfer of a physical print. If found guilty, you may face a prison term ranging from 15 to 30 years along with fines between $1,000 and $100,000 dollars for each offense. You may also land on the sex offender registry. As a student, you may be expelled. Today,[...]

Can I be charged with a crime for visiting an inappropriate website? What about my job?

By |February 15th, 2024|Categories: |

In Illinois, anyone who knowingly possesses any film, videotape, photograph or computer depiction of any child engaged in a sexual act, or in a “lewd exhibition of the unclothed or transparently clothed” private regions or partially or fully clothed female breast, is guilty of a Class 3 felony with a mandatory minimum fine of $1,000 and a maximum fine of $100,000. What can you do? You should consult an attorney immediately. Swift action on your attorney’s part may prevent you from losing your job and may even lessen the risk of criminal charges being brought. An attorney can help[...]

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